Reporting violations to the Oversight board / Anti-Corruption function and 231/2001


  • Is it mandatory to register?

Registration is optional. Nevertheless, it is better to register because registration makes easier the assessment of facts and the collection of additional information without endangering the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity.

  • What is the report identification code?

It is the code that uniquely identifies the report sent.

  • Is it possible to send an anonymous report?

Yes, it is possible to send reports without registration. However, in case of loss of the report identification code, the user will not be able to check the status of his report.

  • Who examines and handles the report ?

The Oversight Board / Anti-Corruption Function of the company takes charge and, if necessary, nominates collaborators for the handling of the report.

  • Can the Oversight Board communicate with the whistleblower?

Yes, the system provides a secure messaging board where the Oversight Board, its collaborators (if nominated) and the whistleblower can communicate.

  • Is it possible to check the report status?

Yes, the registered whistleblower can check the report status in his private area. If the whistleblower is not registered, the report status can be checked using the password received when the report has been issued. 

  • Is the whistleblower identity protected?

The Oversight Board guarantees the confidentiality of sources and information, without prejudice to legal obligations. The platform utilizes an encryption system adequate to ensure the confidentiality of the data entered by the whistleblower, in compliance with the requirements of the Law no.

179/2017 ("Whistleblowing Law").